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Disaster ! Get Ready Business

Would YOUR Business survive a Disaster?

Get Ready Business

Having met with numerous Business Owners and Managers over the years, it has occurred to me that each new Client we meet with, mostly aren’t prepared for some form of Disaster.

How is this the position that Australian Businesses are in?
Are businesses relying on their Insurer/Product Provider to explain these non-avoidable potential disasters?
Are businesses using a qualified Insurance Adviser/Broker?

Who’s responsibility is it to explain these potential issues and risks, and how to best prepare yourself should a disaster be unavoidable.
What’s Happened…? Lets take a look…

Unfortunately, various Insurers have done their best to “Flood” (see what I did there) their relevant “Scare Tactic” type of Advertising directly to our TV’s. This has likely only confused the matter, due to the fact that in Australia now there are over 60 Underwriting Agencies and Insurers that provide Business Insurance Policies. With this number of Policies, how is a busy Business Owner supposed to know which one to take? I guess it’s possible to spend the time researching the right one, but it’s not financially time-wise, nor is it particularly business savvy to try and save a few dollars per year, whilst wasting many hours and still being unsure as to the effectiveness of the Policy selected.

Whats the good news? Well, some of this can be avoided by taking a few moments, and betting preparing yourself and your staff ahead of time. This can be done via Disaster Plan.

Fortunately, the NSW Government has kindly provided a Free Disaster plan for my business document specifically for business owners, to help prepare them for Disasters and the like.

It even includes a five-step plan, a tool that guides a business through disaster preparation:

Five-Step Plan

We have included the entire document below:

Free Disaster plan for my business. Five-step plan, a Free tool that guides a business through disaster preparation.
–> NSW Get-ready-disaster-tool-brochure

It is, however an Insurance Broker/Adviser’s Role to help provide you with such resources to help your business survive. Not just Insurance options.

An Insurance Adviser would usually collect the details of your business and its operations, then use this to source Options for you from the hundreds of Insurers we have access to.
Your Insurance Adviser does most of the work for you, and lets you get on with helping your own Clients, whilst you grow your business.
Contact Dawson Insurance today for your Business Risk and Insurance Advice. 0418100351 or


Brad Dawson NIBA (Assoc)

BPD Pty Ltd T/As Dawson Insurance
PO Box 846 Tweed Heads NSW 2485
Level 2, The Professional Centre, 133 Wharf Street, TWEED HEADS NSW 2485
0418 100 351 | (07) 5506 5050
ABN: 27 159 041 399 Authorised Representative No: 424348
Authorised Representative of PSC Connect Pty Ltd T/As PSC Connect Insurance Broking Services ABN 23 141 574 914 AFS License No 344 648


As your Insurance Adviser:


Our role is to help make your insurance purchase and Risk Assessment as easy as possible. Buying insurance and offsetting your risk can seem complex, with no two insurance companies providing the same cover or premiums.


As specialist insurance advisers, we deal with most major insurance companies and underwriting agencies that offer insurance within your industry sector. We know who offers the products best suited to your needs and we’ll provide you with the a comprehensive and competitive option for all General Insurances you require

    • Conduct an analysis of your risk/needs and recommend the most appropriate covers to protect your assets and liabilities.
    • Recommend the appropriate insurer to match the risk.
    • Only recommend financially secure and stable insurers.
    • Provide alternatives on your risk retention through various excess options.
    • Allow you to pay premiums in monthly instalments.
    • Provide prompt and timely servicing of your accounts to ensure you are adequately informed of issues that may affect your business.




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